You are who you are. Your actions, words, attitude reflects your heart, thoughts, knowledge, iman, taqwa and faith.
You may ignore what others think of you, what others say bout you. But you can't ignore what Allah thinks of you.
Be remindful of Allah the Almighty. He created us for only one reason; to worship him.
And I have created the Jinn and the men only for this that they may worship Me. (Surah Az-Zariyat:56)
In everything we do, always remember that we have to do it for Him. Allah doesn't want us to feed Him, to bathe Him, the only thing He wants is that we as His slaves love Him more than we love His creation.
In fact, His love is much more simple than mankind's love. We don't have to give Him flowers, gifts, kisses, hugs. What we have to do is simple; just keep on pray. Allah loves young men and young women who remembers Him by praying and by going to the mosque. Don't ever miss your prayers.
I think that is it from me right now.