Friday, 8 November 2013

Project Sunshine

Hello guys! Sorry because the blog is not updated for quite some time.

Yesterday, 94fs announced that there are planning to do a project that is called, Project Sunshine. (

Beforehand, if any of you guys doesn't know what 94fs is, let me tell you the background of it. 94fs (formerly known as 1994's) started back in late August 2011, just as a community blog by the students of the 1994's batch. If you want to know them better, I mean the 94fs (if you want to know the admins, search for them on your own), you can go to their websiteFacebook, and also Twitter. (Source: Syaza Nazura, one of the admins of the 94fs) 

Alright, straight to the point, the Project Sunshine's vision is to greet the advent of 2014 with hundreds, if not thousands of more happy and positive people in this world. The mission is to promote happiness into society, reminding them of the small things in life that brings joy to them which often ignored in their pursuit of their goals and dreams via social outreach and awareness through social media. We tend to forget the little things that made our day; random chat, good morning texts or hanging out with your favorite friends.
"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen," - John Wooden.
How can you help in the project? I believe the majority of us have a social networking account; Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc., so, do spread the words via your social networking account. Tweet as many as you like, and do not forget to put a hashtag, #ProjectSunshine. Post as many as you like on Facebook, let the news feed drowned by your posts. Besides, you can also participate in their social events in December (I forgot to tell you that this project will be carried out in December, but we still do have to start promoting from now) where they will do random act of kindness in public places to cheer strangers up.
"Anything else? In the spirit of Project Sunshine, don't forget to smile and cherish life," - 94fs.