Monday, 12 August 2013


Nothing else can compare to what we share in this friendship. I won’t, not in million years will let this ship to sink in, come hell or high water, this ship will sail through strongly and bravely. 

Been three years guys. Ada antara kita yang dah tak bersua tiga tahun lamanya. And the social networks, are like a reunion field, virtual one, but very useful indeed. So how’s life going guys? Good? Great? Magnifique? 

This September, will be like the starting point for many of us that will start their degree program. And maybe some of us still are fighting with their STPM, maybe juga yang masih berjuang di matrikulasi/asasi/foundation/diploma program, terlampau banyak program..... 

Well that’s not the point. The point is, to enlighten you guys, berapa banyak fasa perubahan yang each and every one of us lalui sepanjang 3 tahun tinggalkan alma mater. Kebanyakan kita, lalui hidup asrama, bonded selama 5 tahun, ada yang check in 3 years later, still bonded macam nak gila. 

I went to Konvoi Raya some of us had recently and there was me in the corner, looking at each faces around every corner of the house, in disbelief thinking, god, we really this close? Jaw dropping gila bila ingat balik how we used to hate each other, calling each of us with ugly names, benci, suka, everything, just like, GONE. Every time Mizie trying to make some crazy jokes, I can’t laugh anymore, I just want to cry, because we can't find the same lunatic mizie around. he is the extinct and rare species. And when we have Arman, the guy who always trying to pick a fight with everyone with his emo back then, just like really the friend we never thought he would be. Yang would sacrifice, time, money, minyak kereta, anything so that we could all gather in one day, to share priceless moments together. Same goes to Hafiz and those who were driving back then. And semua yang turun padang Pinggan misalnya, bukan main dari Kota Tinggi turun. 

There was one fella, daripada sbp perempuan semuanya, she was blown away, sebab tengok kita semua bonded. She even asked me, “You guys were in different classes in your school? Macam mana boleh rapat gila semuanya?”. I know right. I too, have no idea. 

Maybe sebab kita ada people I really love to call like my own brothers and sisters, yang very outgoing. We’re not exactly been taught at school pasal benda ni semua, tapi memang sebab common sense kot. Maybe sebab, alang alang dah lahir bawah satu nama, alang alang, nak ke tua bawah satu nama, apa salahnya, rapat dengan semua. Element Five and Sajoha tu macam identity yang aku rasa aku akan sanjung sampai bila bila. I know, kita tak sehebat mana. Sekolah kita macam living in the shadows of other SBPs in Johore. Maybe tak cukup elite nak ada Wind Orchestra ke kejadah kejadah yang membazirkan duit yang lain lain tu. Haha. But hey, it’s okay lah. Aku dapat rasa, Sooner or later, we will all be recognized punya. After all, we were the first sbp yang dibina di tanah selatan ni. 

Aku dah fikir tau, soon, bila aku rasa aku dah useful, I wanna go home. Home, as in alma mater yang aku berkesempatan nak share kasih sayang for only two years ciput ni., and betul betul distribute something this time. 

Time tu, I want to be the useful Sajoha. And nak drag the whole batch to join venture and turn our school betul betul elite. Kalau time tu dah elite, it doesn’t matter. Still gonna polish the elite-ness. 

(in tears) I don’t think I can find any other friendship like this anymore in future. Orang kata, hidup ni macam buku. Setiap page ada klimaks dia, ada perkembangan dia, klimaks balik, berterusan lah sampai mati. But for me, every moments spent with you guys, I’ve saved up everything in one page. And this one page, is like my favourite of all time. 

In this 3 years, mungkin ada antara kita, yang unknowingly faced with so many hardships. Maybe been living in the dark, thoughts on surrendering everything mesti tak putus datang. Tapi how about, duduk balik dengan orang yang dulu, kejut kau sahur, ajak kau buka, jadi imam kau, prank orang sesama, main futsal belakang DSB, cerita balik. Tell them, everything you’re feeling. It helps. A lot. Very much. Tolong percaya. 

Mana nak cari kawan yang cakap “Tak pe, aku nak kau buat betul betul kali ni. Buat betul betul, jangan give up. Kali ni, bangkit balik. Sebab aku tahu kau boleh”. 

Sebab aku tahu kau boleh. Sebab itu, sebab ayat itu, boleh trigger semua air mata jatuh berjurai juraian. Mesti fikir, 
“Why lah kau percaya kan aku gila, sedangkan aku already on verge of failing. Sedangkan aku, dah lost hope long time ago”.

And then it hits me, mungkin sebab aku science johorean, mungkin sebab aku element five, mungkin sebab aku sajoha, mungkin sebab ini semua, benda macam ni tak mustahil. Sebab sesiapa yang datangnya dari Science Johore, yang lahirnya dari tahun 1994, yang kini pegang nama Sajoha, semua hebat belaka. Hebat hebat belaka. Takpe lah kawan kawan. Sakit sedikit. Nanti semuanya akan berbaloi in the end. 

Bagi kawan kawan, yang dah merasa makanan luar Negara, yang dah gone through flight berjam jam, yang dah rasa buat snowman snow ball, watch out, we’re coming for you. 

It’s never too late guys. Even if you fall, in some ways, a light will come to you, and guide you through. So remember, whenever you feel like falling, we will always be there to catch you. 

Stand up again Elementers. Life is a bumpy ride, but it’ll worth it. 

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin dari Hujung Rambut ke Hujung Kaki, tahun depan jumpa lagi!
Salam sayang ya sahabat.


  1. "I’ve saved up everything in one page. And this one page, is like my favourite of all time."

  2. terbaek ar (Y) keep it up ^_^

  3. semoga ikatan persaudaraan kita kekal terjalin.. disini aku ambil peluang kat semua orang untuk memohon maaf segala kesilapan.

  4. walaupun kita ni jutawan, satu perkara yang kita tak mampu nak beli, kenangan. love u all element 5


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